ArtFairly Aware on

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday's Finds

Wow, can't believe it's Friday again--this week went by fast!   I found some really great items this week from a fellow Polymer Clay Smoosher and Illinoisan (is that a word? lol)...take a look at Handmade Specialties.  They sell on and also have a store in Round Lake, Illinois that features the work of area crafters.  I'm going to have to take a road trip there to check it out!



Her necklaces and bracelets are crocheted  and close with a polymer bead.  These are great for people who have sensitivity to metal.  What a great idea!  Makes me want to try crochet again...hmmmm

She also makes adorable figurines.  I LOVE giraffes (I actually have a collection), so I had to include the adorable one I found in the online store.  To see more, click on the link:  Handmade Specialties


  1. pretty cool stuff, I'll have to check her site out!

  2. I love those jointed figurines- so cute! I've seen some very nice items in her shop! ;-)
