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Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday's Finds

When I see the items in fellow polymer clay smoosher Cat's Wire shop, I am amazed and jealous at the same time.  Her crocheted wire work is just fabulous!  I tried learning to crochet when I was a kid and it was just disastrous!  I couldn't get even tension on a straight line! lol     Look at what she can do with necklaces and pendants...

Plus, the roses and faces are handmade from polymer clay!  I just had to include the cute cat :)
And just look at these sculptures...
That's alot better than a straight line!
There's even crocheted rings--tiny stitches--lovely end result!
This shop is also having a Christmas in July sale, so click the link above and check it out and see these pieces at closer views to real appreciate the detail!

1 comment:

  1. She does amazing work! Love all the detail & fine crocheting
